
Relax, Move, Enjoy

The spirit of your Pessover 2023

An exclusive atmosphere

Your holidays will take place in a chic and relaxed atmosphere

Moments of conviviality and sharing will be planned in the elegance of this place:

Appetizers, Kidouch, Great BBQ on the beach, Piano bar, Live Music Ambiance.

You will rest, recharge and live moments of true relaxation!

Set sail to discover exceptions

Various tours will be organized during your stay.

Many activities are also offered close to the hotel. They can be fun, sporting and nautical.

Lunch baskets are at your disposal to enjoy 100% of your days.

Courses and conferences

For many of us, everyday life takes us into a whirlwind from which it is often difficult to escape. The festivals offer us the time and the opportunity to take energy and to take care of our spiritual health which is just as important, or even more important, than our physical health.

It is this spiritual ‘’food’’ that we offer you : courses, conferences, presence of rabbanim willing to answer your various questions.This dimension and this typically Jewish notion of holidays that allows this balance between body and mind, you will find it during your stay.

Offices and sedarim

The offices of Pessah are organized each day.

THE SEDARIM : Unique moments of the jewish year, the sedarim are organized so that you can really enjoy them : by table, with family or friends, everything will be set up so that the Seder happens as serenely as possible and is exactly as you want.

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